
CDC Expands Warning to All Romaine Lettuce for E. Coli

Stay Away From The Lettuce

E. coli Outbreak connected to Romaine lettuce to cover all forms of Romaine, including whole heads and hearts of romaine grown in the Yuma, Arizona, growing area.

Image result for e coli lettuce

“Because this outbreak involves a strain of E. coli bacteria (O157:H7) that can lead to serious illness including Kidney failure, state officials are asking Alaskans to follow CDC recommendations and avoid any romaine lettuce products that could be contaminated,” said a news release from the state of Alaska.

Severe stomach cramps, vomiting, and Diarrhea

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E. co·li
ˌē ˈkōlī/
  1. a bacterium commonly found in the intestines of humans and other animals, where it usually causes no harm. Some strains can cause severe food poisoning, especially in old people and children.
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